Editing & Proofing
Sub editing the power of the red pen 
Deirdre has subedited both NZ Bride & Groom magazine and Pet NZ magazine for nearly a decade. Passionate about correct usage, grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation, she knows how to cut through the clichés, verbosity and repetition to ensure copy is clear, readable and consistent.
She can subedit any document, from letters and press releases to brochures, sales collateral, newsletters and reports.
In addition to simple copy editing, Deirdre can also carry out structural (or substantive) editing to ensure the structure, content, language and style of a document are appropriate to its intended function and readership.
Proofreading an eagle eye
With her keen eye and attention to detail, Deirdre can check your document for typos and errors to ensure that it is professional and polished before you send it out into the big wide world with your name on it. Having worked as a proofreader for more than 15 years, shes used to picking up the subtle mistakes and inconsistencies others might miss - whether it's in the text, typography, layout or design.
For a quote on editing or proofreading services
Email: words@deirdrecoleman.co.nz or phone: 021 132 3446